Keeping the Kind of Records That Win Car Accident Cases

Keeping the Kind of Records That Win Car Accident Cases

It’s been said that “the devil is in the details.” But some believe diving too deeply into details can bog down, distract, or detour your course.

However, to win an auto or truck wreck case, keeping complete and detailed records can be the difference between success or failure. Great data more often than not delivers a quality “W.”

It's why the Witherite Law Group has resources dedicated to digging deep to find the best data.

Think of it this way: the more detailed facts you present, as precisely and thoroughly as possible, the better the chance you have of obtaining the settlement you deserve. Consider these types of information and how to maximize their possibilities:

Official Reports/Data

Any kind of official report you can acquire is especially helpful in proving your case, and it carries great weight in court. This is often third-party data from professionals in their fields. They include:

  • Police reports
  • Doctor reports
  • Ongoing medical treatment and therapy
  • Insurance claims
  • Trucking company safety records, truck driver logs


Any expenditures you incur, and there may be many, also hold legitimate and well-respected influence in an accident case. They are also how you can prove the degree of damages and evidence for which you can be compensated in the future.

  • Doctor bills
  • Car repair records
  • Employment hours and wages (worked and lost)

An Accident Journal

Keeping a complete, accurate, and detailed accident journal of the wreck, including the initial assessment and history of your pain, and all other details you’ve encountered is one of the single most important actions you can take in detailing your case. Make sure you include:

  • The initial incident and your recollections and observations
  • The ongoing condition of your injuries
  • Temporary and permanent health conditions that arise
  • All medical appointments, procedures, and treatments


In the age of instant (and digital) everything—especially as it relates to documentation and storage —the means by which you can record and capture data are endless. Consider these methods of tracking your car or truck wreck and building your case:

  • Notes and witness comments from the scene of the accident
  • Cell phone pictures/video (use time-stamp capabilities)
  • Audio comments, personal and from witnesses
  • Expert opinions

Amy Witherite, founder and lead attorney at Witherite Law Group, says, “Records, reports, statements, notes, and any other form of factual evidence are a client’s and lawyer’s best friends. The amount, range, and quality of facts will provide the fullest picture of what happened in a wreck and enable an attorney to best present and win a personal injury case.” She adds, “The best cases I’ve ever tried were the ones where I was the most equipped with the facts.”

Keeping up on official records, expenses, your accident journal, and corroborating data may be a devil of a lot of work, but it could very well become your guardian angel in winning your car or truck wreck case.

Document the details and “Go for the W.”

The truck accident attorneys of Witherite Law Group help those who have been injured in a car or truck accident. Get legal help today by calling 1-800-CarWreck® or 1-800-TruckWreck or We’re available 24/7.

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